- Avoids confrontation. Your boss cowers at the thought of having to deal directly with workplace issues and problem employees. Since issues are not resolved or people held accountable, your group’s performance is mediocre and its effectiveness declines.
- Likes the status quo. Unwilling to “rock the boat” for fear of “upsetting the apple cart” – two of your bosses favorite phrases – employees languish in their comfort zone. Nobody is challenged to reach for the stars or take risks.
- Always the victim. When all the political players and bullies take swipes at you and your group, your boss takes the high road. That way everybody covers their own butts by pointing fingers at you and your people. Your folks become perpetual victims.
- Gives in to whiners. To placate whiny employees and squeaky wheels – – more work and/or burden is placed on others. Eventually, everybody’s doing nothing but complaining, if they know that they can get what they want simply by whining or complaining.