Passion is important. Passion is believing! If Passion is evident in what you do, your fans or consumers will immediately be able to tell the difference between a product that is passionately created or a performance that an artist performed with passion versus the one that was not.
Sometimes truly passionate people try to hide their passion. They are afraid of being misunderstood, of hurting their chances at success rather than helping them. They feel alone… their passion doesn’t make them interesting, it limits them, isolates them.
Don’t hide it! Yes, being truly passionate means that you will likely stand out in a crowd. So what? Bring it! The world needs passion of the good kind desperately.
When you love what you do, everything you touch becomes more special. There is more attention to the details. It should not always be just about the money, It should be about your brand meaning something more. For true brand sustainability, more than the “one hit wonder,” money should be the consequence, not the goal. Passion is the key building block of success. It’s what separates the truly great brands of today’s marketplace, i.e., Google, Apple, BMW, from the rest. It was passion that made them popular. And it is passion that will drive your successes too.
Passion is infectious, garners a loyal following, produces quality products and services and gives you resilience in the face of adversity.
After passion, if we had the pinpoint the next most important ingredient to success, it is People. If you surround yourself with the best people who share your passion, respect their talents, inspire them to grow and contribute, foster trust, then you have, what we feel is the second most important ingredient to success.
To conclude, here is a brief video of Steve Jobs whose passion and success was undeniable.