If you are an independent recording artist or band, you are a small business owner and more importantly you are a “Brand” and that brand is you!
If Video is not integrated into your marketing strategy, then you should start now!
Because video engages, persuades and motivates like no other marketing tool. Not to mention that Youtube is statistically becoming the media of choice for your younger audience to listen to music. It may be appropriate to alter YouTube’s tag line to “Broadcast and Brand Yourself !”
However, not all video is good video. Once video enters into your marketing strategy, then it is part of your Brand, part of your portfolio. You must be very aware of the impression and experience you leave your audience when they view your videos.
Here are a few of our Essential Video Marketing tips for Youtube to get you started on the right path.
1. Use a Keyword Rich File Name
Even though the file name is not exposed to viewers, the keywords in the video file name may count toward your ranking in the YouTube search results. It’s better to use a file name such as youtube-video-cma-live-perfornace.mov rather than video-2011-08-25.mov
2. Set the Video to Unlisted During the Upload
You can change the default setting of Public to Unlisted while the video is uploading, so that the video is not public until you have had a chance to properly set all the options. Unlisted is better than Private if you want to send the link to a few people for review before you make the video public.
3. Use a 16:9 Aspect Ratio for Content
For video footage, use a 16:9 aspect ratio. 720p is fine for YouTube, since most viewers don’t change the resolution from a lower default.
4. Keep Your Video Short
People generally have short attention spans.
Video blogs should be no longer than three minutes. Some people even consider this to be too long and recommend two minutes as a maximum length.
Music videos are obviously the length of the track. However, concert footage should either be a montage of multiple songs or each song should be cut into a separate video.
DO NOT group multiple tracks in one video and produce a very long video. People will abandon it!
5. Consider Your Mobile Audience
An ever increasing number of people access YouTube videos via their iPhones, Androids and other devices. Avoid using any tiny print or any other elements that can’t be easily read on these devices.
Get the Audio Right
Even the best video production can be rendered ineffective by poor voice audio. This is probably one of the most annoying things we see on Youtube, A great video but audio that is either to soft, noisy, vocals drowned out by instruments, or over modulated (distorted) .
Use audio effects, especially Auto-Tune sparingly! As you edit your audio remember just because you have effects available to use, doesn’t mean that you should. An overly Auto-Tuned production may send “red flags” that the artist may be hiding vocal weaknesses that could be uncovered in a live or accoustic perfromance.
Use a tripod!
Nothing is worse and more annoying and dizzying to a viewer than a bouncy video resulting from a videographer ‘s unsteady hand.
Not all videos need to be posted.
You are your Brand! Thus all materials that you present to your fans reflect on the type of artist that you are.
It’s not a numbers game. It doesn’t matter how many videos you have on Youtube but the ones that you are displaying should be your best!
Show only the videos with the best video and audio quality.
The videos on your Youtube Channel should be the most current snapshot of the artist that you are today.
Videos of you singing in a local talent show when you were much younger probably will not interest a potential Label, booking agent, sponsor or fan.