The keys to good jewelry photography are sharpness, lighting, exposure, and in the case of gemstone photography, trying to create some sparkle. (photo left is from Tiffany’s Spring mailer)
Adding sparkle to faceted gems… A light tent provides nice soft lighting for jewelry and makes for a pleasing image. However, the light tent may not provide the direct lighting necessary to “light up” faceted gemstones. Faceted gemstones like diamonds need to be illuminated by a light source that is positioned at nearly the same place as the camera. Don’t use the on-camera flash does not lead to good jewelry photos. Not only is the camera’s flash too bright at such a close distance, but it is probably in the wrong position to actually light up the jewelry properly. On camera flash will also create harsh and distracting shadows.
Two lights are normally positioned to sides of the Light tent, which diffuses the light and eliminates glare. These lights provide the main lights for the piece of jewelry. We prefer daylight balanced compact fluorescent bulbs for lighting .
- The third light, “the sparkler” light is positioned to shine directly into the gemstone to illuminate the stone. Because this light is not diffused by the light tent, it needs to be a weaker light than the side lights. You will need to move this light until you see the gem light up. Then move the light stand to keep the light in that position. (Make sure you are looking through the camera’s viewfinder when positioning the sparkler light). The “sparkler” light is the third light, and the key to having properly lit faceted gemstone jewelry. This light must be positioned so that you see the stones sparkle
- Good jewelry photography needs sharp, crisp focus. It is worth getting out your camera’s manual to find out how to put the camera in “spot focus” mode. The normal focus mode of digital cameras is some sort of average focus mode. That means that the camera will look at a wide area of a scene and base the focus on that area.
- Another key to a sharp image is a tripod. It is essential to use a good sturdy tripod or similar camera support when shooting jewelry.